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Ambient Air monitoring networks deployment & management

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Ambient Air Monitoring Network Management

We have more than 40 years of experience in the management of air quality networks for both public administrations and private companies, always taking into account the legal requirements set out in Royal Decree 102/2011 and in the specific Integrated Environmental Authorisations (IEA) for each sector.

To date, Envira has managed more than 80% of the air quality networks in Spain.

Zoning Study

Our zoning studies are carried out as a first step to identify the emission sources according to the established requirements and to propose the most suitable locations for the monitoring stations.
Análisis preliminar
We carried out an initial geographical and social study of the area to determine the locations of the stations, taking into account the micro and macro implementation criteria set out in RD 102/2011, as well as important logistical issues relating to electrical connections, communications and access for subsequent maintenance work.
Pre-assessment and measurement campaigns
Once the locations of the monitoring stations have been proposed, a pre-assessment is carried out by means of preliminary measurement campaigns. In this way, the mobile air quality monitoring station verifies the presence of the expected pollutant parameters by taking samples in real time and in a given period.

Public air quality networks that trust Envira

Data Acquisition

Communication and Control Centre

The data acquisition software developed by Envira is designed to connect directly to any type of instrument used in the field, to work with all types of environmental and meteorological data collected at the stations (digital or analogue) and to send the corresponding data in real time to the control centre.

Air Quality Network Maintenance

Our technical service and work plans for air quality networks include maintenance, verification and calibration of equipment such as gas analysers and particulate samplers, as well as cabin cleaning and maintenance.


Our plans include operational, preventive and corrective maintenance.

Instrumentation and auxiliary equipment inspection and adjustment.

Calibration of analytical instruments and auxiliary equipment.

Repair or replacement of equipment systems and rapid response to incidents.

Accredited Calibration

Envira has a laboratory that is accredited by the ENAC in accordance with the EN-17025 standard.

Calibration of gas concentration in ambient air analysers

Calibration of gas flow rates in flow meters

Permanent and on-site accredited laboratory

Technical support

Each Air Quality Network has an expert project manager to provide specific support.

Technical support for instrument use and maintenance.

Supply of spare parts and components

Incident resolution in less than 48 hours

Specialised training


Specialised training

Our specialist staff provide training to the network's maintenance workers on the specifications and protocols for the correct maintenance of gas analysers, particle analysers and other auxiliary equipment.

More information

Data utilisation Data utilisation

Own Data Collection and Validation Software

Fast response to incidents

Real-time monitoring

Ease of visualisation

Full analysis dashboard

Minimisation of errors

Smart validation system

Maximum flexibility

Customisable graph and chart selection

Immediate information

Integration of field operations into the platform

Unified formats

Software integrates multiple data sources

Proven solvency

The experience of over 40 years of managing air quality networks is our best guarantee.

Proven technical solvency

Proven technical solvency

Envira has managed more than 80% of the air quality networks in Spain, both at regional and local level:

  • Galicia Air Quality Network
  • Air Quality Network of Asturias
  • Cantabria Air Quality Network
  • Air Quality Network of Navarra
  • Air quality network of Castilla y León
  • Air quality network of Valladolid
  • Madrid City Council Quality Network
  • Community of Madrid air quality network
  • Air quality network of Castilla la Mancha
  • Air quality network in Extremadura
  • Air quality network in Murcia
  • Air quality network in Malaga
see more

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