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CEMS, inmission and emissions management Software

ENVIRA DS is a SCADA system that allows the management and control of emission and immission levels of pollutants that determine air quality.

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What is Scada software for monitoring pollutants and CEMS?

A modular platform that connects with the analysers and instrumentation installed in the emission and immission sources, acquires the data, communicates them with other systems, stores them and allows users to verify and validate them and send them directly to the competent Administration.

In order to comply with the requirements of environmental authorisations, industries have to guarantee the acquisition, processing, storage and exploitation of all types of real-time data linked to their production processes.

Envira emission scada software

Does it integrate with other systems?

ENVIRA DS is a SCADA system organised in a series of modules with different functionalities so that it can be easily deployed and maintained with any of the elements that make up an air quality and associated pollutant monitoring network. It connects with the equipment deployed in chimneys and in all types of emission and immission sources. It works with a multitude of protocols and communication infrastructure allowing data to be sent to the control centre for validation and verification.

Envira DS software customers

Traceability and alerts on emissions and monitoring stations

Traceability and alerts on emissions and monitoring stations

From the moment an analyser registers data until it is validated and sent to the administration, there is a process that Envira DS allows full control over.

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Configurable modules

Our platform is modular so it allows the use of different modules that can be added independently without the need to purchase all the functionalities.

Data acquisition from stations

Designed to be connected to instrumentation deployed in the field and to work with all types of environmental and meteorological data captured at the stations, sending data in real time to different systems.

Integrable with all types of instrumentation

Emission data

Inmission data

Meteorological data

CMMS. Maintenance management

Supervision of maintenance and calibration work on pollutant measurement equipment. It allows centralised control of all the interventions carried out for the correct operation of the analysers.

Work order

Intervention record

Incident management of analyzers


QAL3. Quality assurance levels

This module facilitates the tracking and storage of the Quality Assurance Level 3 (QAL3) information required for the analyzers to ensure the proper functioning of the analyzers.

Avoid calibration errors

Optimise control in SAMs

Centralises calibration control

Improved control accuracy

Data validation and automation

This functionality allows data validation to be carried out by Envira or by the client itself from its control centre, together with automation in the sending of temporary and validated data directly to the Administration.

Time data

Validated data

Submission to the Administration in the correct format

Data regeneration

Data reporting and alerts

It can identify anomalous situations and manage the corresponding alerts in an unattended manner by notifying the responsible technicians or even by activating actuating elements in the automatic control system if necessary.

Automatic alerts

Actuators activation

Exporting reports in pdf, html, word and excel

Statistical control of parameters

Multiparametric analytics and graphics

It identifies seasonally adjusted global trends of pollutants and visualises in a single platform through graphs and images the interrelation of pollutants with meteorological data or data from other sources.

Statistical summaries of the complete time series

Monitoring compliance with environmental control measures

De-seasonalisation and time segmentation of historical series

Analysis of pollution sources


Installation in plant and control centres

A control centre makes it possible to centralise the data acquired, its storage, management and operation in a series of dashboards for simplified monitoring of pollutant exceedance alerts and validation of the data received by the air quality analysers in an environment that is understandable and accessible to technical experts in environmental control.

The Envira DS software allows data to be centralised in the customer's plant control centre, in Envira's own control centre or in a hybrid form.

Data communication and interoperability

Interoperability with all types of air quality instrumentation and devices, systems and platforms via standard protocols such as TCP/IP, REST, MQTT or CoAP, as well as with industrial systems via Moodbus, OPC or SPI.

Data traceability

ENVIRA DS allows the consultation and monitoring of data in real time, as well as historical data with which to identify and justify any type of incident through web dashboards that can be easily customised by the end user from an extensive catalogue of graphic widgets including: tables, maps, graphs, wind roses, scatter plots, dials, among others.

Role management

Controlling access to data and information centralised in an industrial management system is fundamental. For this reason, Envira Ds allows management by roles and users to control which data or information can be consulted at any given time.

Control of pollution sources

Identification of pollution at emission sources and immission points and control of its evolution and dispersion based on the different meteorological parameters existing in the control areas.

Data export in different formats

Envira DS has been developed to be able to export data and reports in different formats such as: Html. Pdf, Excel, Word.....


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