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Integration of air quality devices in IoT plataforms

Published on 24 May, 2018

Corporate News,

Last May 11, the second open call took place in Italy and ENVIRA was there, together with other European technological companies. SymbIoTe is a project whose purpose is to create a simplified IOT application for communications, integrating indoor air quality systems with its operating system, so that any user or company with compatible applications can see the data collected by the network of sensors.

Many start-ups from European countries attended the meeting: Sharigo, GDi, UPM – CeDInt, Terracom, Sensinov, VizLore, Modosmart, ENVIRA, ISTMOS (ANS), GRIDNET, CUT – IoT Lab, Tecnalia, Skiadopoulos, Sindikat Biciklista and Monitar. The cooperation among companies includes the integration of ENVIRA’s Nanoenvi IAQ sensors within the platform SymbIoTe, thus creating an infrastructure open to the public.

ENVIRA’s sensors, with multiple nodes and communication sensors, can create networks to monitor indoor air quality. It is possible, by means of an IoT Gateway, to connect sensors of pollutants such as CO2, dust, environmental parameters in air (humidity, temperature, pressure, light or environmental noise), in water (temperature, pH) or in indoor areas.

Nanoenvi’s IAQ extension for the SymbIoTe project begins the interoperability at Internet. This means that the Nanoenvi IAQ system is compatible with other IOT platforms implemented in the cloud or locally. At a local level, it expands the network of sensors with new devices provided by other hardware manufacturers or integrators.

The purpose of SymbloTe is to prove that the platform is open, usable and extensible, with the participation of application developers not necessarily involved in the design and implementation of the central platform.

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