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Met One Instruments

ENVIRA has been official technical support of Met One Instruments products for Spain, Portugal and Andorra since 1998.

Met One Instruments is an American company dedicated to ambient air measurement and air quality control specializing in airborne particulate monitoring. Its beta attenuator mass monitor (BAM) is EPA approved and has become a worldwide reference.


Met One Instruments designs and manufactures high precision particulate matter monitors. It offers a wide range of Environmental Particulate Monitors and Samplers that sample, measure and record the concentration of environmental particulate matter (total suspended particulate matter, PM10, PM2.5).

BAM 1020

The BAM 1020 model automatically measures and registers the concentration of particles by measuring the attenuation of beta radiation. It is the first equipment with these characteristics that has been certified by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It has a European certificate for the equivalent measurement method.


It is a real time beta attenuation particle monitor, similar to the EPA methods for class III in the US. It provides accurate measurements of PM10 or PM2.5 in real time. The system can be placed permanently on roofs, near roads, at industrial sites, or it can be set up quickly in case of emergency. Designed for work in hostile environments without additional protection.


E-SAMPLER is a dual technology instrument combining real-time measuring by means of a laser dispersion technique and a gravimetric filter method. Its filters can be extracted and replaced in less than a minute. The filter medium can be selected depending on the kind of analysis that will be chosen later. The ambient temperature and the barometric pressure are measured to provide a flow in current conditions.


Black Carbon (BC) and Brown Carbon (BrC) are substances produced by the combustion of fossil fuels or organic fuels such as biomass. Both are considered pollutants. In addition, BC contributes to global warming because of its black colour and ubiquitous nature wherever fossil fuel combustion occurs. Unlike other common components of PM2.5, many of the components of BC or BrC are known carcinogens and highly toxic.

BC 1054

The BC 1054 model is a multispectral analyzer that measures light transmittance through a filter medium where particles are deposited in real time, thus calculating the concentration of black carbon with 2 different wavelengths, from almost UV to IR. It can be connected to a wide variety of products through the BAM 1020 or through several meteorological sensors.

BC 1050

The BC 1050 model is an analyzer that continuously measures light transmittance through a filter medium where particles are deposited in real time, thus calculating the concentration of black carbon with 2 different wavelengths, from almost UV (375 nm) for organic and elemental carbon to IR (880 nm) for elemental carbon.


Particle counters are used to quantify the discrete number of airborne particles in the ambient air. An environment is sampled during a measurement period or continuously to count and size each particle individually, but simultaneously, in real time.


The BT-620 is a compact, battery-operated particle counter with six selectable channel sizes and an integrated printer, housed in a portable stainless steel case. The flow rate of the instrument is 1.0 CFM (28.3 LPM) and is maintained with volumetric flow control for improved accuracy. This benchtop particle counter has a large, easy-to-read display, audible alarms and an internal printer that work together to verify particle levels. Ideal for use in cleanrooms, the BT-620 is designed for easy integration with existing building automation systems, plant software and processors, or can be used as a stand-alone unit.


The BT-610 has a large display with very large characters, an audible alarm and an internal printer that work together to determine and record particle levels. If the particle count exceeds a preset limit, the audible alarm sounds, the display flashes and the printer prints out the alarm value. Two programmable count alarm limits can be set. The user can select the sizes and individually set each of the six channels from 0.3 to 2.0 microns in 0.1 micron increments and from 2.0 to 10 microns in 0.5 micron increments. No custom calibrations are required.


This comprehensive particle counter is the perfect addition to any cleanroom or controlled environment monitoring application. The DR-528 simultaneously measures and records eight user-defined particle sizes from 0.3 to 10.0. Measurements are quickly calculated and totalled in as little as 60 seconds and recorded using an advanced profiling algorithm. The DR-528 incorporates an 8-channel particle counter with a calibrated range of 0.3 to 10 microns.


The GT-324 is a full-featured portable particle counter that provides the functionality of a benchtop unit in a portable package. A fully integrated RH/Temp sensor immediately provides data to your displayed and logged data. A practical unit for regulatory compliance, the user interface is simple with the multi-function rotary dial. The 324 has seven selectable sizes; 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0 and 10.0 micron, from which the operator can choose 4 of the particle sizes of interest. The GT-324 is suitable for many applications including, but not limited to, clean room monitoring, controlled environments, filter testing, compliance testing, process control, indoor air quality, HVAC applications, quality control programs, etc.


The Met One Instruments 804 Portable Particle Counter is a 4-channel portable particle counter that counts particles from 0.3 microns to 10.0 microns, offering portability and reliability at a very competitive price. Although compact, this unit is completely self-contained with its own internal battery and sampling pump. The unit is configurable, allowing you to select the particle size of interest from seven sizes: 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0 or 10.0 microns.

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