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Ama Instruments

ENVIRA is the distributor and official technical support for AMA Instruments products in Spain, Portugal and Andorra since 2009.

AMA Instruments gas chromatographs are environmental measurement instruments designed for continuous monitoring of organic compounds such as BTEX pollutants, ozone precursors and volatile organic compounds VOCs.


The BTEX gas analyzer is designed for monitoring the immission of atmospheric pollutants, in particular BTX Benzene, Toluene and Xylene, toxic aromatic compounds of carcinogenic nature.

GC 5000 BTX

The AMA GC 5000 BTX has been specifically designed to monitor airborne organic compounds in the range C4 to C12. It is capable of measuring at ppt levels. It is the perfect choice for industrial and air quality applications.


These devices provide calibration gases at specified concentration levels for accurate calibration of monitoring devices. Calibration gas is generated by diluting a source calibration gas with zero gas.


The DIM 200 provides gas mixtures with high accuracy. The user interface allows easy configuration and all information is available on a backlit LCD display. The system allows programmed calibrations and can be fully controlled remotely via MODBUS and is fully integrated with AMA analyzers.


For the correct operation of the monitoring devices it is necessary to supply a number of gases, including zero air to be used for instrument validation and as dilution gas for the calibrators. In addition, they fit perfectly into any environmental instrumentation rack, perfectly complementing other Ambient Air Quality Monitors.


The HG500 series of high purity hydrogen generators offer high performance and reliable operation. The high purity of the hydrogen produced allows it to operate any type of combustion detector and as a carrier gas source in GC applications. This model incorporates SMARTdryTM technology which eliminates the need for a desiccant cartridge.

ZAG 300

The ZAG 300 Zero Air Generator continuously removes organic compounds and carbon monoxide from a compressed air source. This hydrocarbon-free air is ideal for gas chromatography, THC analysers and as a reference zero gas in gas dilution systems.

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