Low Emission Zones (LEZs) are designed to monitor and improve the levels of air and noise pollution caused by road traffic, and in particular the combustion processes of vehicles circulating in large cities. In Europe the legislation aims to regulate and harmonise the minimum requirements for pollution control devices and systems.
Under Europe legislation, local authorities must establish a continuous monitoring and follow-up system to ensure compliance with air and noise quality objectives in LEZs.
Data collection. Equipment to ensure data quality and avoid legal issues.
The validity of the data on pollutants in the LEZs is taken into account by the European and national monitoring authorities, as well as by the citizens.
In order to ensure the legal validity of the data, the LEZ legislation from some countries stipulates the following (although this may vary from country to country):
Data quality and compilation.
In addition to having reference equipment that guarantees that the measurements meet certain standards, it is necessary to check the quality of the data sent by the equipment itself before sending it to the local authorities or other public administrations:
Communication with public authorities and citizens.
LEZ legislation stipulate the need to inform the authorities. In particular, they must:
Communication obligations to the public are also included, including: